‘The Gift of the Magi’ and the Power of Exchange
By Joseph Sunde
Amid the array of quaint and compelling Christmas tales, O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi” continues to endure as a uniquely captivating portrait of the power of sacrificial love.
Wasteful Extravagance: Sara Groves on the Economy of Wonder
By Joseph Sunde
“God somehow demands of us so much more than this transactional nature. It is really about the gift that we’ve been given, and the only response we can give back is with extravagance, with gratuitous beauty.” –Makoto Fujimura
We live in a society that has grown increasingly transactional in its way of thinking. Everything we spend or steward — our time, money, relationships — must secure a personal reward or return.
The Power of Pentecost in Vocation and Globalization
By Joseph Sunde
Given the dynamics of the information age and ever-accelerating globalization, humanity faces a wave of new opportunities and challenges when it comes to creating, collaborating, and consuming alongside those in vastly differing contexts.
Work Weaves the Fabric of Civilization
The fabric of civilization, like all fabrics, is made up of countless tiny threads—each thread the work of someone. Superficially, any given thread might be readily spared or replaced—that could be my job or yours.
Thinking this, we go to work on the margin, so to speak, of culture: Who needs me?
How Conversion Transforms the Way We Work
By David Wright
“In fellowship, alone, to God, with faith, draw near: Approach his courts, besiege his throne with all the power of prayer.” -Charles Wesley
Those who study what it takes to gain exceptional mastery of any given field have identified something they call the ten-thousand-hour rule. These experts have discovered that it takes ten thousand hours of practice to achieve mastery.