All Is Gift: Buy-One, Give-One Holiday Special!
Hello Strangers and Friends!
Today is #GivingTuesday. As we focus today on being generous to those we love and care about, we thought this would be the perfect day to kick off another campaign to share For the Life of the World with your family, friends, and co-workers.
The Frontier Spirit of ‘The Martian’
By Dylan Pahman
“O Lord … you made us for yourself and our heart is restless, until it rests in you.” -St. Augustine
Psalm 19: What Is Human Flourishing?
By Joe Carter
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
The mission of the Acton Institute is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. We seek to articulate a vision of society that is both free and virtuous, the end of which is human flourishing.
The Beauty of Oyster Farming
By Joseph Sunde
The oyster population in the Chesapeake Bay has severely dwindled, amounting to less than 1% of historic levels, according to the NOAA. In turn, from a consumer’s perspective, Virginia oysters have been increasingly replaced by other varieties from around the globe.
Grandpa Abe and the Workers
By Chris Horst
I sat on the countertop as my mom shared the tragic news: My grandpa—Abe Horst—had died.
A heart attack seized his last breath at the early age of 63. While reading the newspaper during a summer day in 1997, he passed. He was healthy and active and we were not ready to say goodbye. While our relationship revolved around my early adolescent affinities like pizza and beach vacations, I cherished him immensely.
Wounding Work: Creative Service as Cross Bearing
By Joseph Sunde
Across the realm of evangelicalism, we’ve seen a renewed focus on the deeper value, meaning, and significance of our daily work. Yet as easy as it may be for some to alter old attitudes and begin appreciating the gift of creative service, it can be extremely difficult for others — and often for good reason.
C.S. Lewis on Vocation in the Economy of Wisdom
By Joseph Sunde
In Abraham Kuyper’s newly translated Scholarship, he addresses students of Free University in Amsterdam, asking, “What should be the goal of university study and the goal of living and working in the sacred domain of scholarship?”