C.S. Lewis on Vocation in the Economy of Wisdom
By Joseph Sunde
In Abraham Kuyper’s newly translated Scholarship, he addresses students of Free University in Amsterdam, asking, “What should be the goal of university study and the goal of living and working in the sacred domain of scholarship?”
The God Who Makes Himself Known Through Vocation
It was Blaise Pascal who noted that, “Jesus Christ is the end of all, and the center to which all tends.” Whether we are conscious of it or not, our vocation and work plays a part in revealing His glory. Christ comes to meet us in our vocation and circumstances. Cyril of Jerusalem declared:
Abraham Kuyper’s Advice for the New School Year
At the start of the new year I wanted to put this question to you before the face of God: What should be the goal of university study and the goal of living and working in the sacred domain of scholarship? I wanted to see whether I might perhaps rouse in some of you a more sanctified passion.
3 Things You Should Know About Stewardship
By Joe Carter
Sold into slavery, Joseph is put in charge of Potiphar’s household. Potiphar “entrusted to his care everything he owned. From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph” (Genesis 39:4-5 [NIV]).You may not recognize it, but this is one of the first mentions of both stewardship and economy in Scripture.
Children Are a Gift to Civilization
By Joseph Sunde
With our newfound economic prosperity and the political liberalization of the West, we have transitioned into an era of hyper consumerism and choice. This brings all sorts of blessings, to be sure. But it also brings plenty of risks.
Whether we’re drawn by raw materialism or a more basic idolatry of choice, such distortions will be sure to diminish or disintegrate plenty, but the deleterious effects on the family and children are particularly pronounced.
The Rhythm of Vocation: A Challenge to ‘Work-Life Balance’
By Joseph Sunde
“If all of our working and all of our resting serves the same vocation of love, why do we so often feel out of balance?”
God Is With You in the Workplace (Whether You Know It or Not)
By Joseph Sunde
We’ve seen a renewed focus among Christians on the deeper value, meaning, and significance of our daily work, leading to lots of reflection on how we might “find God in the workplace.” As a result, Christians are becoming ever more attentive to things like vocation and calling, looking for transcendent purpose and value in the world of work, beyond simply funding missionaries or evangelizing co-workers.
Joy for the World: Restoring the Joy of God to Cultural Witness
By Joseph Sunde
Over the last century, Christianity has declined in social influence across much of the Western world, leading many to believe it has little place or purpose in public life.