Joy for the World: Restoring the Joy of God to Cultural Witness
By Joseph Sunde
Over the last century, Christianity has declined in social influence across much of the Western world, leading many to believe it has little place or purpose in public life.
The Joyful Seriousness of Christmas
By Joseph Sunde
As Christians living in a secular age, there’s a temptation to use Christmas as a wedge to wage epic new battles to restore Christendom. But despite the flurry of hackneyed “War on Christmas” tropes, there is, alas, something rather amiss.
Apprenticeship Christianity: Where Doing Precedes Understanding
By Lester DeKoster and Gerard Berghoef
Have you ever wondered why the Lord puts this order—way, truth, life—on his answer to Thomas’ question?
The Lord had said to his disciples that he was going away. In John 14:5, Thomas speaks for them all in asking: “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
All Is Gift: Embracing the Divine Generosity of Christmas
By Joseph Sunde
Throughout the Christmas season, we are routinely reminded of our “gift nature,” whether through the transfer of presents, the confluence of family gatherings, the creative flurry of plays and performances, or, most importantly, the central story of the One who gives it all meaning in the first place.