The Danger of Self-Chosen Service for God
By Joseph Sunde
In our efforts to serve others and seek justice in the world, we have a remarkable tendency to fall short, no matter how carefully constructed or well intended our plans may be. Across our culture-making endeavors — whether in the family or work, politics and policymaking — we are easily lured by the contours of our own designs.
Christian Education Is Not About Cultural Withdrawal
One of the great misconceptions about Christian higher education is that Christian colleges are places where Christian young adults go to withdraw from “the world.” A closer look at some historical roots of Christian colleges prove otherwise.
8 Lessons on Creative Service from Disney’s ‘Silly Symphonies’
By Joseph Sunde
Teaching our children about the value and virtues of hard work and sound stewardship is an important part of parenting, and in a privileged age where opportunity and prosperity sometimes come rather easily, such lessons can be hard to come by.
Psalm 19: What Is Human Flourishing?
By Joe Carter
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
The mission of the Acton Institute is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. We seek to articulate a vision of society that is both free and virtuous, the end of which is human flourishing.
The Monk as Merchant: Economic Wisdom from a Desert Hermit
By Dylan Pahman
Before Max Weber ever conducted his study of the “Protestant ethic” of hard work and commerce as a matter of one’s election before God, there was the ascetic ethic of the ancient Church.
C.S. Lewis on Vocation in the Economy of Wisdom
By Joseph Sunde
In Abraham Kuyper’s newly translated Scholarship, he addresses students of Free University in Amsterdam, asking, “What should be the goal of university study and the goal of living and working in the sacred domain of scholarship?”
Rediscovering Beauty: Flannery O’Conner on the Economy of Wonder
An emphasis on the need for practical use is beneficial when applied to goods in the market, so as to meet the ever changing demands of the consumer. But the value of some goods cannot be reduced to a selling price. One such good is beauty.