The Mason’s Masterpiece: Why God Cares About Craftsmanship
By Chris Horst
For two summers during college, I worked ten-hour days under the hot and humid Pennsylvania sun as a mason tender—or more commonly, as a mud boy. I mixed concrete, hauled cement blocks and attempted to assist our masons. Some days I lugged, stacked, and mixed like a champ. Other days I became the target of creative expletives.
Dignity, Dinosaurs, and the Power of the Peculiar
This article originally appeared at Ethika Politika. It is reprinted here with permission
By Dylan Pahman
What does human dignity look like in real life?
Work Is Not a Punishment for the Fall
By Scott Rae
Work has intrinsic value because it was ordained by God prior to the entrance of sin into the world. If you look at the Genesis account of creation closely, you’ll see that God commanded Adam and Eve to work the garden before sin entered the picture (Gen. 2:15). God did not condemn human beings to work as a consequence Adam and Eve’s sin. Work is not a punishment on human beings for their sin.
God Is With You in the Workplace (Whether You Know It or Not)
By Joseph Sunde
We’ve seen a renewed focus among Christians on the deeper value, meaning, and significance of our daily work, leading to lots of reflection on how we might “find God in the workplace.” As a result, Christians are becoming ever more attentive to things like vocation and calling, looking for transcendent purpose and value in the world of work, beyond simply funding missionaries or evangelizing co-workers.