6 Ways to Live as Christians in the City
This post originally appeared at the Denver Institute for Faith and Work, where Mr. Haanen is executive director. It is republished here with permission.
By Jeff Haanen
Occasionally you meet somebody that shines with such virtue that you are, perhaps for the first time, made aware of your own poverty of spirit.
MLK, Jim Crow, and the Rule of Law
The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., like that of most mortals, evokes a certain ambivalence regarding what should be celebrated and what should be rightly critiqued. There are certainly parts of his life and thinking that warrant correction, rebuke, and challenge, but this will be true of all us if we live long enough.
King David on the Heart of Christian Stewardship
By Joseph Sunde
We live amid unprecedented economic prosperity, and with the promise of globalization and the continued expansion of opportunity and exchange, such prosperity is bound to grow.
Will Millennials—Like Boomers—Neglect the Church for ‘Public Service’?
By Joseph Sunde
Despite the widespread complaints about the attitudes, ethics, and attention spans of millennials, it can be easy to forget the failures of generations gone by.