Plans to Prosper? The Forgotten Truth of Jeremiah 29
By Joseph Sunde
For many evangelicals, 2 Chronicles 7:14 has become a predictable refrain for run-of-the-mill civil religion, supposedly offering the promise of national blessing in exchange for political purity.
When the Spirit Comes: New Creation and New Community
By Charlie Self
Christian mission, spirituality, and theology have been navigating between isolated individualism and coercive collectivism from the third century to the present.
Both the Old and New Testaments confirm the necessity of personal faith and repentance toward the Lord as a condition of divine favor and ultimate salvation. Yet an equal number of texts affirm participation in the community of God’s people, with an ethos of humility, love and service.
Psalm 19: What Is Human Flourishing?
By Joe Carter
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
The mission of the Acton Institute is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. We seek to articulate a vision of society that is both free and virtuous, the end of which is human flourishing.
Retrenchment, Revision, and Renewal: 3 Futures for Evangelicalism in America
By Charlie Self
There are three possible futures for American Evangelicalism. These diverse destinies depend upon the moral, social and theological convictions of the communities and leaders of the different streams. They also represent patterns found in three centuries of American Evangelical history. These futures will also determine whether or not particular communities flourish economically and socially.
The Halo Effect: The Economic Value of the Local Church
By Joseph Sunde
As church attendance continues to decline across the West, many have lamented the spiritual and social side effects, namely a weakening of civil society and the fabric of community life. What’s less discussed, however, is the economic impact of such a decline.
How Much Economic Value Does Religion Provide America?
By Joe Carter
How much value does religion add to the U.S. economy?
According to a new study the effect of religion exceeds the revenue of the ten largest tech companies—including Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook combined.
Joy for the World: Restoring the Joy of God to Cultural Witness
By Joseph Sunde
Over the last century, Christianity has declined in social influence across much of the Western world, leading many to believe it has little place or purpose in public life.