Abraham Kuyper
Whatever We Endeavor, All of It Is His
Creation was fashioned by God, fashioned with life that surges and scintillates in its bosom, fashioned with the powers that lie dormant in its womb. Yet, lying there, it displayed but half its beauty. Now, however, God crowns it with humanity, who awakens its life, arouses its powers, and with human hands brings to light the glory that once lay locked in its depths but had not yet shone on its countenance.
Will the Fruits of Common Grace Endure?
With the destruction of this present form of the world, will the fruit of common grace be destroyed forever, or will that rich and multiform development for which common grace has equipped and will yet equip our human race also bear fruit for the kingdom of glory as that will one day exist as the new earth, under the new heaven, overflowing with righteousness?
Common Grace: From the Ivory Tower to the Tractor Company
This post is excerpted from “Getting the trophies ready: serving God in the business world,” an essay which first appeared in the Journal of Markets and Morality Spring 2015 issue. In this essay, Mouw discusses three “Kuyperian spheres” of service: academia, business and the church.
A Pearl and a Leaven: The Twofold Call of the Gospel
This article is adapted from an essay in The Church’s Social Responsibility: Reflections on Evangelicalism and Social Justice, a new collection of writings from Christian’s Library Press.
Grace Renews Nature (Even in Politics)
By Joseph Sunde
“We see immediately that grace is inseparably connected with nature, that grace and nature belong together.” –Abraham Kuyper
Rediscovering Beauty: Flannery O’Conner on the Economy of Wonder
An emphasis on the need for practical use is beneficial when applied to goods in the market, so as to meet the ever changing demands of the consumer. But the value of some goods cannot be reduced to a selling price. One such good is beauty.
The Monetized Heart: Kuyper on God and Mammon
Money can entice one to all kinds of sin; in fact, there is almost no sin imaginable to which it does not entice. However, this is merely the consequence of the core corruption money brings as soon as it becomes for someone what his God alone can and may be for him.