Social Justice and the Evangelical Church Today
This essay is adapted from the introduction to The Church’s Social Responsibility: Reflections on Evangelicalism and Social Justice, a new book edited by Jordan J. Ballor and Robert Joustra, available through Christian’s Library Press.
A Pearl and a Leaven: The Twofold Call of the Gospel
This article is adapted from an essay in The Church’s Social Responsibility: Reflections on Evangelicalism and Social Justice, a new collection of writings from Christian’s Library Press.
How Much Economic Value Does Religion Provide America?
By Joe Carter
How much value does religion add to the U.S. economy?
According to a new study the effect of religion exceeds the revenue of the ten largest tech companies—including Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook combined.
Are Christians Stuck With 3 Approaches to Cultural Engagement?
By Joseph Sunde
How are we to be in the world but not of it? How are Christians to live and engage, create and exchange, cultivate and steward our gifts and relationships and resources here on earth? Beyond getting a “free ticket to heaven,” what is our salvation actually for?