Grace Renews Nature (Even in Politics)
By Joseph Sunde
“We see immediately that grace is inseparably connected with nature, that grace and nature belong together.” –Abraham Kuyper
Christian Conscience: The Watchful Monitor of Stewardship
By Lester DeKoster and Gerard Berghoef
Stewardship has a watchful monitor in the conscience.
To Obey Is Better than Sacrifice: A Challenge to ‘Good Intentions’
By Joseph Sunde
When decrying instances of do-gooder activism gone wrong, it’s become rather routine for critics to respond by saying, “good intentions aren’t enough.” And to a great extent, rightly so.
The Trinity and Human Flourishing: A New Ode to Joy
By Charlie Self
Followers of Jesus worship a God who is at once the Almighty and Abba, infinite and personal, uniquely One and a relation of Three, utterly perfect and unchanging in character and nature, full of pathos and personally engaged in every detail of life.