Whatever We Endeavor, All of It Is His
Creation was fashioned by God, fashioned with life that surges and scintillates in its bosom, fashioned with the powers that lie dormant in its womb. Yet, lying there, it displayed but half its beauty. Now, however, God crowns it with humanity, who awakens its life, arouses its powers, and with human hands brings to light the glory that once lay locked in its depths but had not yet shone on its countenance.
Work Is Not a Punishment for the Fall
By Scott Rae
Work has intrinsic value because it was ordained by God prior to the entrance of sin into the world. If you look at the Genesis account of creation closely, you’ll see that God commanded Adam and Eve to work the garden before sin entered the picture (Gen. 2:15). God did not condemn human beings to work as a consequence Adam and Eve’s sin. Work is not a punishment on human beings for their sin.
A Pearl and a Leaven: The Twofold Call of the Gospel
This article is adapted from an essay in The Church’s Social Responsibility: Reflections on Evangelicalism and Social Justice, a new collection of writings from Christian’s Library Press.
Kings Without a King: Kuyper on the Illusion of Independence
By Joseph Sunde
“A human kingship imperceptibly came to power, leaving no place for the kingship of Christ.” –Abraham Kuyper